Thursday, January 17, 2008

New orchid

I've had a Phalaenopsis Brother Sara Gold 'Peach' for 3-4 weeks, and the poor thing was going down the tubes. :-( I took it back to the store today where I bought it from, and the guy who owns the shop thinks the it has some sort of virus. He was kind enough to let me have a new one! :-) Will post some pictures soon.

First CNA class

I had my first CNA class on Tuesday, and I had a great time! I got to know some of my fellow students, took a tour of the facilities, learned the proper way to wash your hands, and how to make a hospital bed.
Each class needs to vote on a color that our scrubs should be, and there has some talk of lavender. Though we haven't officallly voted yet, I have already got myself a set of lavender scrubs. That way I'll get ones that are in size before they get picked over, I'll be prepared, and I like the color anyways whether they become the class color or not. Since I'm on the petit side, I have already hemmed up my pants. It's too bad that we actually don't our clinicals in four weeks because I want to start wearing my new scrubs! lol Oh well, I'll just have to wait.

Monday, January 14, 2008


Hi everyone, and welcome to my blog!
This is my first blogging and I'm very happy to have started one.
I have many interests. I love to play fiddle, gardening (primarily orchids), tatting, knitting, quilting, and a little crochet. My favorite kinds of music are Celtic (especially traditonal Irish and Scottish), New England style, Cajun, and some Old Time fiddling.
I'm starting my CNA (Certified Nurses Assistant) course tommorow and I'm very excited (as well as nervous!).
Wish me luck!