Thursday, January 17, 2008

First CNA class

I had my first CNA class on Tuesday, and I had a great time! I got to know some of my fellow students, took a tour of the facilities, learned the proper way to wash your hands, and how to make a hospital bed.
Each class needs to vote on a color that our scrubs should be, and there has some talk of lavender. Though we haven't officallly voted yet, I have already got myself a set of lavender scrubs. That way I'll get ones that are in size before they get picked over, I'll be prepared, and I like the color anyways whether they become the class color or not. Since I'm on the petit side, I have already hemmed up my pants. It's too bad that we actually don't our clinicals in four weeks because I want to start wearing my new scrubs! lol Oh well, I'll just have to wait.

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